This is probably my favourite of all the books I've written, probably because it says all the important things with the least amount of words.
In all the talk about climate change, rarely is it mentioned the huge part played by agriculture. The plants in this book are nutritious, energizing, time-tested, earth-friendly and beautiful. Yet most of us don’t see them that way, if we see them at all.
Despite such a powerful heritage of plant-based foods, we have chosen to produce, process and transport what we eat in ways that create planetary upheaval and destruction. It’s time we got off our current agricultural track to pursue an easier, safer and more sustainable path.
As individuals and community, we can help change a suicidal system by making conscious food choices every day. We can indeed change the climate on the earth with the seeds we sow.
With beautiful watercolour illustrations by award-winning artist, Lyn Alice.
80 pages
On sale for $10!