Plant Photos / Seed Giveaway
Are you one of our customers? Do you take photos of your garden? We would love to add to the photos of our plants on our website - send us your photos and for each plant you photograph that we add or feature on social media we will provide a discount code for a bonus packet of seeds in your next order!
How It Works
- Browse the store for things you've purchased and grown
- Find plants with few, or small, or not awesome images (e.g. Margaret Mckee's Baking Pea)
- Take photos of the plant in your garden
- Do not resize your images smaller, or apply filters
- Name the image file(s) (e.g. 'margaret-mckees-baking-pea1.jpg', 'margaret-mckees-baking-pea2.jpg'
- Send an email to our web person with your images attached
- If your images are chosen you will be emailed a discount code that you can use with your next purchase for a free packet of seeds
* Yes, you may send multiple photos for multiple plants. You will receive one discount code for each plant we choose.
* If you use Instagram let us know your handle as well, if you'd like us to tag you!
Thanks in advance!
Photo Examples: